I'm Marta, a trusted counsellor serving Auckland & Waiheke Island for 20 years.
To see if I am the right counsellor for you, learn more about me via my video →
More about Online Counselling
I believe in providing you a safe, welcoming, and confidential environment where we can work together at addressing challenges you may face.
For individuals who feel more comfortable in their own environment, or are unable to travel, my confidential & 1on1 services are available using video software such as Skype.
I bring to my work a strong theoretical basis combined with humour and a commitment to growth and freedom from past wounding.
I look for health, for hope, for the intention to love and connect that can sometimes be misunderstood or hidden. I bring out those intentions to connect, and healing follows.
I practice in both Auckland and Waiheke Island. Simply contact me and we can start you on a better path right away.
I am also available for confidential online sessions.
Let's talk. How to contact me:
(All conversations are private and confidential.)
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Some of my clients have chosen to occasionally use online meeting methods for our sessions. They choose this if they have young children and it's hard to leave home, if their work schedule doesn't allow them time during the day for an appointment, or if they know they'd prefer to be in the comfort of their home or designated, private space to process their healing.
To learn more if this would be ideal for you, I encourage you to contact me.