Marta Fisch Auckland Therapist

“Splended” Families

Just finished teaching a weekend course called Family Transitions at the Human Development and Training Institute. The course covers an overview of families in transition, including blended or repartnered families and solo parent families. I covered research done in Aotearoa/New Zealand, and counselling methods of helping these families. We represented 7 countries and therefore enjoyed a broad cultural base of comparison. One of the participants shared a phrase she’d heard which turned around the stigma about so-called broken, or blended families, into “splended” families. We loved that positive spin on what appears to be a family form that we are taking into the future.

Let's talk. How to contact me:

Marta Fish - Counsellor

(All conversations are private and confidential.)

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New: Online Sessions

Some of my clients have chosen to occasionally use online meeting methods for our sessions. They choose this if they have young children and it's hard to leave home, if their work schedule doesn't allow them time during the day for an appointment, or if they know they'd prefer to be in the comfort of their home or designated, private space to process their healing.

To learn more if this would be ideal for you, I encourage you to contact me.
